Saturday, June 8, 2013

Conferences for the Society of Scientific Exploration and Exo-Boulder in Colorado

Thanks to the coordination of Journalist Paola Leopizzi Harris I had the opportunity to give two lectures in Colorado. The first was for the Society for Scientific Exploration ( S.S.E.). A group, whose participants have an academic background and wanted the same kind of information. I welcomed a challenge like this since in my opinion the UFO subject is stereotype and ridicule. But deserves a careful observation and research in order to educate ourselves about this reality. The title of my lecture was Extraterrestrial as a Cosmic Meta Power. I decided to give my lecture from a sociology and anthropology  perspective in order to understand how to define a sophisticated alien civilization far more advance than a Super power like the United States.Since, at the present, their elusive presence has been accepted by several governments around the world but what could be the rules of engagement with a Cosmic Meta Power capable to travel vast distances in the space once decided to make contact with our planet?

For my lecture at Exo-Boulder ( exo politic Boulder) my lecture was ET Presence as a Merging Reality. 
I review the process of the UFO phenomenon since its appeared in the media back in 1947 when Kenneth Arnold who coined the term "flying saucer". In a time where there no censorship from the American armed forces.Its evolution during the fifties , sixties until the present. In my opinion the intelligence behind the UFOs shows a coordinated agenda to become familiar e insert themselves in our reality within time. This process requires a long period of time in order to avoid a clash of civilizations due to our prevalent ethnic worldview. 

In both cases my presentations were welcome and even successful with full attendees in both lectures. I am thankful to Gene Milstein for his coordination in my lecture at the S.S.E. and to Dr. Bernice Hill PhD for her support in my lecture for Exo-Boulder. 

Here are some photos of my presentation in both lectures.

Lecture for the Society For Scientific - Boulder City Colorado 

ET Presence as a Cosmic Meta Power

Signing my book for the SSE audience

Lecture for Exo Boulder ET Presence as a Merging Reality

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