Saturday, May 30, 2015


I met Zulmar Peixoto during a series of lectures given to a group of spiritual travelers in Puno, Peru in November 2013. Zulmar show in his power point presentation the main activities of Project Portal and his most famous member, an alleged extraterrestrial popularly known as Bilu. As you read it, the extraterrestrial Bilu, have chosen his activities and interaction with hundreds of people from all walks of lifes in the State of Matto Grosso do Sul located in the central western area of Brazil (see note1). Bilu seems to be a short size humanoid with a funny childlike voice that can only be seen through infrared cameras but almost always hidden behind the bushes and in constant movement in a joyful behavior towards the people. Forget about the typical idea of an almost perfect extraterrestrial contacting humans and giving a new age message. Bilu is all the opposite to that image that we have in our mind.
With Zulmar Peixoto in Puno, Peru. 

If the extraterrestrial/UFO phenomenon is by itself complex, weird and odd; Bilu fits perfectly well in that category. For many Brazilian UFO researchers Bilu and Project Portal founder Urandir Fernandez de Oliveira are not considered serious. However, it cannot be denied its 5,000 plus members in Brazil and the dozens of testimonies related to Bilu and other high strangeness events.
Project Portal members and "plama" flares experiences. click on the link
Bilu the Brazilian Extraterrestrial -Portuguese- . Click on the link
Dozens of testimonies from adults to children can be seen in the YouTube channel related to Project Portal. The other main aspect of Project Portal it’s the ongoing construction of Ziggurat citadel (see pictures) based on a specific architecture and underground system of tunnels with food storage. This place serves as a central meeting point for all members to be initiated in field activities and meeting year around.
Ziggurat Citadel Matto Grosso do Sul, Brazil.

Project Portal has also built a technological center (see photos) to monitor the sun activities and other related subjects of research. This center also includes a telescope to study our solar system and celestial bodies. Indeed what we are talking about here is a well-organized group that has been able to build an astronomic observatory in the middle of nowhere (see pictures). Compared to other “groups of ET contact” Project Portal is achieving extraordinary results in a short period of time.  
Astronomic Observatory located in Ziggurat Citadel

Technological Research Team

In short, as I have stated in different interviews and personal research, the interaction of extraterrestrial with humans have a lot do with the social fabric of a specific society where contactees or experiencers related to the et/ufo phenomenon are part of a social experiment on behalf of them. We have to take into consideration the consequences of the presence of Bilu the “extraterrestrial” and an organization like Project Portal that cannot be replicated due to restrictions, believes and government intervention in other places of the world.

Finally I have to remark that I have not been in Brazil and this is an interview to Zulmar Peixoto the leading main coordinator of Project Portal.

Note: for "partners" Zulmar is referring to the extraterrestrials.


1.-Zulmar tells us about you. Where are you from, what do you do for living and your family?

I was born in the state of Minas Gerais, in Brazil, in 1975. Since 2000 I’ve been living in Brasilia, the capital of the country, where I work for the government or, as I prefer to say, to the people of Brazil. I am a mechanical engineer and have an MBA in finance. I’m married and have two very smart kids. My parents still live in my home state.

2.-What is Project Portal, your relation with this organization and how come you joined this organization?

Projeto Portal is an organization created to empower the people who wish to make the changes that are needed in the world, by developing their mental abilities, revealing information that has been hidden from us for a long time, spreading knowledge and facilitating contact with parallel realities.

I joined Projeto Portal in 1998, when I met Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira, and since 2000 I have been representing the association in Brasilia, where my wife and I coordinate the activities. I have always had an investigative instinct, and in my childhood and adolescence I experienced frequent out of body experiences, and studied a lot about many subjects. When I faced Urandir and the Projeto Portal ideas I had no doubt I had found what I was looking for.

3.-How many members you have in Brazil?

We are about 5 thousand active people nowadays.

4.-Who is Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira?

Urandir is the founder and president of Projeto Portal. He is a physical effects psychic since birth and because of those abilities he was first contacted by our partners in his early childhood. That way he improved his abilities and has been receiving proper guidance since then. He is a humble person, a great and respected leader of the group, but also a teacher, consultant and friend to all Projeto Portal members.

5.-What you can tell us about Urandir and his relation with the UFO phenomena, the paranormal and scientific?

In the beginning he used to see shadows moving, he sometimes listened to some voices calling him, and eventually saw some different lights in the sky. When he was 13, one day he was lying on his bed when he was taken to a spaceship through the ceiling and roof. And in the ship he was put an implant at the back of his neck (confirmed by x-ray). The partners told him they would contact him soon to explain his assignment. His psychic abilities improved from that day on, and soon he was contacted physically by them. At first he refused his assignment but finally agreed on his mission, demanding in exchange the contacts to always be physical, in order to be recorded and to prove its reality whenever he needed. He then founded Projeto Portal, a school-like association. His psychic abilities have been little studied, as these abilities are not fully understood and not widely accepted by traditional science, especially in Brazil. His brain activity was analyzed and showed a higher average frequency than expected.

Proyect Portal founder Urandir Fernandez de Oliveira bracking a plate into pieces using psychic power. Click on the link

6.-Seems that Project Portal has many activities but specifically its relation with ufology; how Project Portal classified this data and experiences based on the ongoing UFO sighting as part of your members training.

We try to collect as many evidences as we can, video footage, sound recording, photographs, research data, analysis reports, etc. It’s a lot of material, about various subjects that require specific expertise. We do not have enough people to study everything as fast as we would like to.

7.-What make the members of your group built a community-citadel “Zigurat City” in a remote area of Brazil?

This community called Ziggurats is being built under the guidance of our partners, and it includes a pyramid in its center that is meant to reactivate the similar technology all around the world. The other pyramidal structures (“machines”) were deactivated due to the magnetic grid shift. Although simple, the buildings in Ziggurats are built to resist earthquakes, strong winds (300 km/h) and severe rain. The community also has a special access to an underground city called Kasalki.

8.-Who is Bilu? Where is he from? Was his first contact in October of 2010? Is he a part of an extraterrestrial group living in an underground complex under Mato Grosso do Sul? Can you explain that? 

Bilu is our most famous partner. He says he’s from the constellation of Pegasus, planet Ikao. He has always been with us, since the very beginning, and was known by many different names in the past, as recorded in our history. He is here in the name of the 49 races, a group of civilizations that have a closer relationship with our planet’s people. He actually doesn’t live in our reality, in the 3rd dimension, but in a parallel world or dimension, so to say. He is not a physical being, but he may become more or less physical according to his purpose at the moment.

9.-Is it true that this underground complex so big that ran across the Brazilian territory into the Bolivian section as well? Is there a base with extraterrestrial technology?

According to Bilu, the underground city of Kasalki extends from the state of Mato Grosso do Sul to the north of Peru, crossing the countries of Paraguay and Bolivia hundreds of meters under the surface. This city was built taking advantage of the natural galleries formed underground in the region, due to an asteroid collision some millions of years ago.

10.-Why is the purpose of the underground complex for?

The underground city was prepared for sheltering the population in case of a catastrophe happens on the surface of the planet. The city of Kasalki may accommodate a lot of people.

11.-According to what I know and all the information I was able to gathered Bilu appears especially when he is filmed with infrared cameras. The case of Filmmaker Fernanda Lima and the way she was able to recorded Bilu on video show us something unknown about how he can manage different frequencies. Can you give us more information about his capabilities?

Bilu is able to control his body vibrational frequency in a way we still do not fully understand. In many situations he showed us that his image may be caught in the camcorder while we cannot see him naked eye, and vice-versa, we sometimes can see him naked eye without any image showing in the camcorder, neither in the regular nor in the infrared spectrum. Not only his body, but he showed us lights that behaved the same way, seen and unseen through the camera and through our eyes and vice-versa. In fact, he can control not only his visibility, but his own image, his shape and size and density, the projection of his voice, and so on. He is not a spirit or ghost, though, as in his dense condition he looks exactly like a regular human being. Some people have touched him and felt his hand, his skin heat. Some took his picture in daylight. And in many times he showed our group he can act physically, by holding a speakerphone, breaking a dead tree branch, throwing down an old refrigerator, ran away carrying a torch on fire and so on.

12.- One of the aspect of the interaction of humans with Bilu is that goes from children to adults. The experiences of Felipe Castelo Branco a Political Scientist is very interesting. Also of Attorney Mr. Aridelco Peixoto who has had a contact with Bilu. Psychologist Estefania Soares, College student Larissa Kautzmann who had a two hour encounter also with Bilu and list goes on and on. I was surprised that even children have had an encounter with Bilu! Are these encounters of the third kind only happening in that remote area of Brazil? Does it also happening in other areas of Brazil or outside of Brazil?

With his personal way of playing and joking, Bilu makes everyone comfortable with his presence, so that all his contactees feel a deep respect, friendship and natural love towards him. It seems he behaves like a child or teenager sometimes in order for us to feel relaxed, improving all our senses, so that we can think, feel, listen, understand and remember the whole experience better.

Bilu has been with us, Projeto Portal members, in many different places in all regions of Brazil. It’s not an issue for him to be anywhere in the world, so it seems to be part of his strategy, maybe to bring attention to Brazil. That is how it is in the present.

13.-As far as I know there is no another group like Project Portal with that amount of personal and collective experiences with an extraterrestrial. Do you agree that Project Portal might be the only one in the world –as we speak-with an ongoing interaction with humans and an extraterrestrial?

According to Bilu, Projeto Portal is the only group to have reached that level of interaction with the 49 races. That level of proximity, of friendship, of mutual trust. Many other attempts were made; some failed due to various reasons, like ego, persecution, fear, etc. There are other groups on the way and we are open to help them, as their partnership with all the benefits is an open offer to everyone.

14.-Why Project Portal haven’t invited yet a group of seasoned and serious UFO researchers to investigate Bilu’s interactions with humans?

Proyect Portal has always been open to serious researchers, as well as to TV programs, but we have been disappointed many times by some so-called researchers who have other objectives, like fame and fortune and who do not want to share the discoveries with people in general. Our partners advised us to make it directly through the people, without intermediaries, so the right people would show up. In fact, this is the same strategy they have been doing with us all this time. They said they first tried contacting (and counseling) the political powers of the world, and on the absence of their true interest on the welfare of people, they decided to contact us, “regular people”, directly. And this is open to everyone anytime. Making physical contact with them is not a simple matter of will, desire or merit, almost all people needs some training, preparation, and changes in habits – especially food, health and physical condition.

15.-Share with us your most amazing experience with Bilu.

Every time I meet Bilu or any other partner is a unique and amazing experience. Every experience is special in some way. In some the phenomena are amazing, in others the information, the sensation or feeling, the learning. One of the most unforgettable experiences I had was in Formosa, state of Goiás, when a hundred people were in the middle of a dirt farm road talking to Bilu, his voice coming from the savanna on the other side of the barbed-wire fence. At a certain point, we got to a moment of silence, then in about 2 seconds he called us from the area on the opposite side of road and continued saying some words. Everyone then moved from one fence to the other, in order to become closer to Bilu. As soon as the group accommodated on the new position and got silent, Bilu restarted conversation on the opposite side, the previous location again. It would have been impossible for anyone to cross the road that fast in the dark without making any noise. And Bilu did it twice.

16.-Why some contactees mentioned that ET’s don’t want to be photographed to avoid a life threat to the witness. But in the case of Bilu he allows to be recorded. Why is that difference?

Well, I can’t say about those other ETs you mentioned, but Bilu generally allows us to film, take pictures and record the conversations. When Bilu or any other partner doesn’t want something to be recorded, the recording is simply erased from the camera, camcorder or voice recorder afterwards. I’ve seen it happen more than twice. Add to that the ability Bilu has to appear in the camcorders and photos only when desired. By the way, our partners never ever inspire us fear of anything. They keep us in an atmosphere of joy, confidence, courage, capacity, power and love towards humanity.

17.-Can you tell us what is Bilu message to humanity?
His most famous message so far is “seek knowledge”. It’s very simple yet incredibly powerful.

18.-How the people interested in Bilu and Project Portal can get more information?

I’ll be in the US this September for some workshops and field activities. I’m still programming the details, but will let you know pretty soon. We have branches in Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Spain and France. Anyway people can reach me through email ( or Facebook (Zulmar Peixoto). Some information is already available in the web, at our official website ( and our YouTube channel (

Finally I can say to the reader that regarding Proyect Portal more research is needed. I also really appreciate Zulmar Peixoto for this interesting interview. 

Note 1 About Matto Grosso do Sul-Brazil :

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