Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Renato Longato Agenda 2012


Thanks for stop and read my Blog! I was quite busy during the first three months of 2012 working the final details of my latest book  ET Presence -Role of USA and New World Visions published by Balboa Press and just released this April. It has been quite a journey for me to write, from a different perspective, the extraterrestrial presence and its subtle but important connection with USA. America is a superpower that its in the center of economic, political and geopolitical changes. But above all is well known that the American government will not change its policy of denial about  the UFO phenomenon. 

Some of you know me personally or through my presentations that I have had a few extraordinary experiences related to this phenomenon since 1979. Of course, I am not the only one and does not make me a person to have the final word in this fascinating subject. However, one of the things I found out through the years is the existence of alien(s) that are monitoring our civilization in a permanent basis. Besides the stereotype and manipulation of information related to the UFO presence there is a behind the scenes, a  pattern present among the so called ET contact groups and contactees. I have found these patterns based on research and also inspired by my experiences. It is a fact that the extraterrestrial elusive presence makes it difficult to research and find out what their plans are. This is true but it does not mean is impossible to do our best ( I would say it coaxes us) to think out of the box and gather more information.   

In my book I described how America as the leading superpower will face its ultimate challenge when the extraterrestrials will take the next step and make known their presence to the world. This could only happens in the next years based on a historical intersections and tectonic changes our civilization is facing but not as a result of a UFO disclosure. I would say it will be a historic opportunity for the USA and the world, under exceptional circumstances, to deal in a coherent way what ironically the government - and a secretive elite- have been denying to public for decades. 

What will it take from us to establish the first steps of communication with a sophisticated alien culture? Are we part of a long term sociological experiment to accept beyond cultural differences a new reality? Are certain Virgin apparitions a psychological operation on behalf of the ET's to use religion and influence human behavior? Are we going towards an eco-planetary religion? Is the Vatican elite following a protocol regarding the ET's? Are we entering a new axial age? A "superior them" will trigger a "new us" in our culture? These and other topics are explored in my book. 

You can find it at: Barnes& Kindle and Nook versions are also available. 

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