September 9/15 - 9/16 UFO Skywatch at Great Spirits Ranch in beautiful Malibu, California.
for more information go to
Aqui he escogido una de las mejores entrevistas realizadas en Castellano a mi persona. Fue realizada por la investigadora Argentina Debora Goldstern de Cronica Subterranea en el 2010. Les comparto..
July 15th Ken Sheetz interview We Need a New Us to Earn First Contact.
During the interview several unknown objects appeared.
Watch in slow motion..Coincidence, synchronicity? The unknown objects appeared flying at super high speed when I am saying " We Need a New Us" . Video is set in a slow motion.
July 14 Conference and UFO SKYWATCH at the Great Spirit Ranch in Malibu. 120 plus people attended our conference and UFO skywatch organized by Ken Sheetz of Great Spirits Ranch.
July 1st. Interview with Tom Kappenmann of the Hundredth Monkey Radio Show.
Watch the full interview here.
June 29-July 2nd. invited as a guest speaker for the 2012 Global Transformation Conference at the famous ECETI UFO Ranch of James Gililand located in Washington.
At the conference ..!
With famous guest speaker Inelia Benz.
With Dr. Meg Blackburn -taken during a retreat in Shasta Nov. 2010-
June 20th. Meg Blackburn Losey interviews Renato Longato on her well known radio show Cosmic Particles. Here the link !
June 14th. Interview with Mel Fabregas of VERITAS RADIO SHOW. An in depth interview about the UFO presence in USA and my latest book ET Presence USA & New World Order
Listen to the first part on the interview here!
May 27th Memorial Day UFO pics taken while hiking in Montaña de Oro, California. I am used to the fact that when the ET's consider convenient they appear in my photos. Most of the time I don't see them and the reason behind it is that since with the arrival of the digital cameras and internet we can download and post to be seen by thousands of people. I think that what it matters to them !
UFO photo taken on 05-27-12 at 12:13 pm
2nd photo taken at 12:44 pm an unknown object appears on my left side.
April/May Trip to Cusco/ Viaje al Cusco
I lead a small but wonderful group of people to Cusco. We visited all the most important archaeological places of this wonderful city, considered the "Archaeological of the Americas". But an incredible surprise was awaiting us. Again, UFO's were present during our trip ( what a coincidence! ). Check the following pictures of Cusco the Navel of the World and UFO's !
Our group in Machu Picchu !
UFO taken by Renato Longato on April 30 2012 at 1:58 pm in Cusco. Nikon Coolpix L120 21Xzoom -14.1 Megapixels.
2nd. photo taken at the same time 1:58 pm . Whatever it was, went upwards direct into the sky.
Photo taken by one of the member of the group. The UFO was over the top of the Huayna Picchu mountain. It shows an intention to be captured by the camera. The photo was examined by Costa Rican UFO researcher, Alexis Astua.
Abril 28 Lima -Peru: Conferencia Apariciones Marianas organizado por Taytanchis Centro Holistico de Myriam Berrocal .
La estimada Myriam Berrocal de Taytanchis Centro Holístico en Lima, realiza una labor de despertar de consciencia para adultos y niños.
Entrevista con el popular investigador OVNI Anthony Choy en su programa en Radio Capital.
Abril 2012. Con el amigo Ricardo Gonzalez escritor, contactado y conferencista internacional Peruano residente en Argentina. Aprovechando nuestra estadia en Lima.
Abril 21 Congreso Internacional 2012 Lima PERU- OVNIS- CONSCIENCIA: Información Clasificada. Este fue un gran evento con la presencia del Comandate Fuerza Aerea Julio Chamorro -Director de la OIFAA- Oficina de Investigación de Fenómenos Aereos Anómalos- El escritor y contactado Ricardo Gonzalez y Marco Barraza reportero y difusor del fenomeno ovni y un servidor.
Entrevista de con Yohanan Diaz Vargas en Mexico Diciembre 2011. El "Sindrome del Contactado" fue grabado originalmente en Septiembre y trata sobre la relevancia del contacto extraterrestre en la vida de un contactado, sus efectos pero sobre todo por que lo considero un experimento sociológico de gran escala por parte de los extraterrestres. Hacer click en el link
Entrevista El Sindrome del Contactado
Con Yohanan Diaz Vargas en Mexico D.F.